Follow Your F*-ing Heart

The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.

I do NOT want to be one of those people! — And thus far, I’m not.

Unfortunately, many people are in the “wishing” category because they listened to the opinions of others when they should have been listening solely to themselves, their wants, and their needs.

In the end, the decisions you make should make YOU happy — they should not be made to please the opinions of others — other people don’t know what it is that you truly want, but you do.

STOP wasting your time — Follow Your F*-ing Heartwhether that’s to a partner you have been apprehensive to engage (because you listened to naysayers) – follow it towards a career you have been longing to do (it’s ok to chase your dreams, just don’t necessarily quit your day job right away – or do, take the leap!) – a big relocation you have been hoping for – etc… you fill in the blank – TRUST YOURSELF!

The you inside of you wants you to be happy, not suffering in environments, situations, or relationships you don’t want to be in — learn from what life has given you thus far and grow from it, don’t revert to your comfort zone.

STOP listening to other people and START listening to yourself!

The choice has always been yours — make it.

Stop settling.

-Clare Angelica


No Responses

  1. TinzRant says:

    Great post and one I totally agree with you defiantly need to go with your heart to avoid the wat ifs in the future. Look forward to your future content. Check my post out If you get the chance 🙂

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