“Just stay present and move with it. It’s all going to work out perfectly. Always does… Trust me.”
-Beth Henrikson
My dear friend gave me this advice when I was dealing with a…love interest…who was portraying some squirrely behavior. Needless to say the guy has remained MIA.
The advice is solid — stay present, be aware and acknowledge what the people around you are showing you because ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! And boy, was that guy telling (showing) me a LOT!!!
I am so grateful for the opportunity the experience provided me because it showed me how I do not want to be treated by someone who claims to “care” and how I want to treat the people I care about.
Show up or don’t say that you are going too — don’t make hollow promises.
Another, more important, lesson I learned is that I have amazingly, wonderful people in my life who care and show up for me no matter what — they are always there. And they mean more to me than the idea of that relationship with that guy ever did.
I am so grateful for the fantastic people in my life!
Be present.
-Clare Angelica