Tag: Clare Angelica

W.J. Howard

“True words are not eloquent; Eloquent words are not true. Wise men do not need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point are not wise.” [W.J. Howard] I do think however, that you can beautifully tell someone you love them, hate them, need them, or miss them… It is the sincerity…
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Albert Einstein

“Everything is Energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the Frequency of the Reality you want and you cannot help but get that Reality. It can be no other way. This is not Philosophy. This is Physics.” [Albert Einstein] Like attracts Like. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, simply transformed. The Prayer…
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Theodore Roosevelt

“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” [Theodore Roosevelt]

Christopher Robin

“Promise me you’ll always remember you’re Braver than you Believe, and Stronger than you Seem, and Smarter than you think.” [Christopher Robin]


“Choice, not chance, determines Destiny.” [unknown] Be the key player in the life you were given and make it everything you could have dreamed of… Let go of the preconceived notions and ideas of what other people want you to be and become the person you want you to be. Destiny, will far exceed your…
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Flannery O’Connor

“Never second-guess inspiration.” [Flannery O’Connor] Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. Trust your ideas. Trust your instincts. Trust your inspiration. Trust.

Albert Einstein

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” [Albert Einstein] Get out and play! Use both sides of your brain to bring them into balance to create, transform, renew, and expand… Your possibilities are endless and awaiting at your fingertips.


“When people show you who they are, believe them.” [Unknown] Throughout my experiences and observations of relationships (in all their forms – sibling, friend, lover, family…etc) there is always the grace period when everyone is on their best behavior and facing their best face forward. As time goes on and the transition begins to enter…
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Robin Gibb

“An artist is an artist because he is not happy with the world, so he creates his own existence.” As a collective we create our own existence simply by being alive within it. Our life, much to some persons dismay, is a culmination of events that shape us, break us or make us. We can…
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