Tag: Fear

I’m Ready

“I’m ready to be scared.” -Clare Angelica  I’m ready to be pushed out of my comfort zone. I’m ready for the difference of the best over better. I’m ready to be scared the hell out of because I’m ready for change. Fear won’t stop me. I deserve the best — and I’m willing to do…
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Yoda says…

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” -Yoda If you release the fear of losing something, someone, etc… you allow yourself to have utter freedom and that which you feared so much simply disappears. You become unattached to the outcome. Once you face your fear, there is nothing more to fear.…
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Wes Craven

“Horror films don’t create fear. They release it.” -Wes Craven

Get What You Ask For

“If you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them.” -Audle Allison The more you fight for something, the more you get to hold onto it, and the more power it has over your life. The things you hold onto end up overtaking you and you tend to disappear within the fear of each…
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Mark Twain

“Real courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.” -Mark Twain Fear, if you let it, can be the best motivator you could ever have. If you allow yourself to accept the fear within you, target its source, and use it, you will surpass and release it! Be fearless. -Clare Angelica

Let Go…

“We are all capable of so much more than we think. Once we let go (of fear) & just do…life’s easier than we could have ever imagined.” -Clare Angelica

Fear Is The Easy Way Out.

Fear is the easy way out. (Son) If you love someone set them free, if its meant to be, they’ll come back to you. (Dad) Said by pussies & used by pussies everywhere. -Made of Honor Fear is resistance. It lets the voices in our head win and cause us to fail. Whether what we…
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