Tag: Forgiveness

Forgiveness can be Hard.

Forgiveness is a difficult course to navigate. You can’t “fake it til you make it” when it comes to forgiving actions, words, people… We are our toughest critics. It is admirable to give yourself space and time to allow forgiveness to come to you when it is ready and at that point you will no…
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Now, forgiveness and acceptance are both optional. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing to grant on others because you are also granting it within yourself. You are forgiving them. And don’t forget you can forgive yourself (even without the second parties forgiveness.) Forgiveness is a gift to everyone and anyone it graces. Trust must be earned, especially if there has…
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Mahatma Gandhi

In order to give forgiveness we must first to have it bestowed upon us so that we know its true value. Forgiveness is strength, power, compassion, unconditional, and sincere — if you cannot give it with those attributes, you should not give it at all. Forgiveness is worth nothing to those you give it too…
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Bruce Lee

Mistakes — everyone makes them — what matters is what you do after. The moment you own up to what you have done in a situation, you open the path that allows forgiveness to follow. By admitting your part you begin to overcome it, mend it, and allow it to heal. Allow the mistakes of…
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