Tag: lose

Live Like Animals

This is how you succeed — by going in knowing that you may fail, but knowing that you would rather fight than take the risk of never knowing. We are more like animals than we think… We can have a tendency to be creatures of habit. We can be fearful while some of us have the killer…
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Do You Even Know Why?

If you have forgotten why you are fighting, let it go and move on — your purpose has been lost. If you remember why you are fighting and what you are fighting for then continue on. Be brave and stand up for what you believe to be right, what you know is right deep down in…
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Paulo Coehlo

At times, goodbye seems like the hardest thing we will ever do…but without endings, we cannot have new beginnings. If we are too scared to let something go, even if we know it is something we should not keep, we hold ourselves back from receiving something even greater. Let go… Until you do, you will…
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