Tag: Love

Ted Olson

Sometimes the best thing to do…is nothing at all. At times your lack of action can be the loudest words spoken. -Clare Angelica

Milton Berle

Why wait… It’s your life, get out and create the circumstances for opportunity — they won’t always be handed to you. Be your own opportunity. -Clare Angelica

Move Forward

Nothing can be changed by looking backwards — take what you have learned and instill the lessons in your present life so that you can improve your present and future. Nothing is gained from beating the dead horse of the past. Be present. -Clare Angelica

Thomas Edison

We tend to give up too easily, just before accomplishing our greatest goal — stick it out! When we give up, we give up on ourselves, not anyone else. You should be your best investment — see yourself through. -Clare Angelica

Driver’s Seat

The only way someone takes your “seat” is if you relinquish it willingly. That is your choice, its your life, but just remember that you can always take it back. It’s your life — take the seat everyone else is. -Clare Angelica


What are you waiting for…? Make what you’ve been dreaming about doing the thing that you are actually doing. Make your dreams your reality — it’s never too late to go after what you have wanted your whole life! It’s truly never too late if you just simply take the chance to pursue it. Life…
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C.S. Lewis

Everything happens for a reason — whether you believe it or not…places, people, and circumstances are placed before you so that you can chose to learn & grow from them or to keep repeating them. …And don’t worry, life will keep sending you the same events with different faces, names, and locations until you understand…
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Burning Bridges

I am not one to burn bridges intentionally — I believe people should come and go from your life of free will & they should always have space to return. But, sometimes, people enter your life that should have never been there in the first place — but their presence was still an event that…
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Be a Queen

The Damsel-in-Distress is changing her image, and she’s moving up. In the end, you are truly the only one who can save yourself from the life / world you have created around you — don’t wait for someone to swoop in and save you from the destruction, pick yourself up and do it yourself! When…
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Mahatma Gandhi

When you serve others you step outside the world you have created around yourself — and you can see, and feel, how life should truly be led. By stepping outside of your perceived baggage, the walls you build around yourself, and serving — you step out of that world for a little while and gain…
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