Tag: Love

Silence Can Be a Great Ally

The old saying goes… Eloquent words aren’t true. True words aren’t eloquent. When you don’t know the right thing to say, are incredibly flustered (or angry), and nothing comes to mind but words that are sharp as knives… Choose to say nothing at all… Answer them with silence. People may think you don’t care, but really you…
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Your Words Mean Nothing…

Photo by Clare Angelica ©2015 People say so many words…usually without meaning. They are trying to make themselves feel better about their decisions, they are trying to prolong taking action, or they are just completely full of hot-air. Some people don’t actually want to make a change…BUT they sure love telling you about all this stuff they…
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BE a Phoenix

Graphic Photographs by Clare Angelica ©2013 People break you… People make you… And you make and break others just as much as you break and make yourself. It’s all a choice. You have the choice to rise after failure …or heart break… …or sickness… …or destruction… …or loss… …or death… …or (you fill in the blank)……
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Live Like Animals

This is how you succeed — by going in knowing that you may fail, but knowing that you would rather fight than take the risk of never knowing. We are more like animals than we think… We can have a tendency to be creatures of habit. We can be fearful while some of us have the killer…
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Where’s Your Ambition Hiding?

Now, I’m not saying that men can’t say this in the reverse or that women must / have to excel past men… What I am trying to convey is this: You’re lazy. But, don’t worry, so am I. If we all really did everything that we had been thinking about doing we would utterly astound ourselves. We…
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The Truth Hurts, But Not For As Long

  Lies build up, they fester, they push against a moral compass you may or may not know you even have. The truth is painful, it’s raw, it strips you clean from all the devices you’ve used to hide yourself behind. If you must speak, speak honestly. Say the truth with integrity and you will…
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Flex It Real Good

Artists, Musicians, Graphic Designers, Writers, Photographers…etc… Any Creative, in any line of work can relate to this. Imagination is what gets translated into the form of media you use as your outlet. FLEX IT! Use it. CREATE!

Open Your Eyes

Seeing what is truly before you — (not what you wish or have imagined was there) — is the first step to creating the future you truly want and deserve. You need to drop the charade. Dream big. Wake up. Do it. Get real. Seeing and realizing what is actually happening is a huge step…
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