Tag: Love


Life is unpredictable… When we reach what feels like the lowest point, we must remember to lift our head from the clouds and see the blue skies above. Life will not give us anything that we cannot handle — yet, it is still our choice how to react. Let life fall into place — it…
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Paulo Coehlo

At times, goodbye seems like the hardest thing we will ever do…but without endings, we cannot have new beginnings. If we are too scared to let something go, even if we know it is something we should not keep, we hold ourselves back from receiving something even greater. Let go… Until you do, you will…
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Zoey Sayward

I hear this more often than not… “I’m waiting for the right moment.” NEWS FLASH: Life does not hand you perfect moments — through your hard work and dedication, you create opportunities for life to make the perfect moments for you to come into creation in your life. What you give, you receive. Create the…
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Save Yourself

Waiting for someone else to do the job you’ve known all along that you, and only you, can do… Is like waiting for rain in the desert — when it finally comes it pours, prepare yourself for the flood. More often than not we do not want, or need, someone to save us. What we…
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Stand Up

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is what you do afterwards — Your response should be to get right back up. -Clare Angelica


Service is a simple thing to do to share your love with the world. Don’t expect a reward or acknowledgement, that is not the point of service. Service is unconditional, and an act you do out of love of humanity and respect for others. Service, its easy and free — Lead by example and show…
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