Tag: Love


When we remember that life is going according to a bigger plan that we have no control over – it is both liberating and terrifying. Everything in your daily life happens for a reason – let the better things fall together and let go of what wasn’t right. Life will bring you exactly what you…
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Marilyn Monroe

Life is full of events – but the ones that stop you dead and make your heart beat fast are the ones worth finding! When the simplest of kisses can set your world on fire, you know you have found the feeling that is worth exploring. When the butterflies are slamming against the walls of…
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Words to live by… Learn to listen, hear, and see the facts. Assumptions upset those involved because the truth is nowhere in sight. Judging someone only speaks volumes about you, it says nothing about the person you are judging. When you or someone you love says harmful things it would have been easier to think…
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Here, Hold My Purse…

Life always throws us curve-balls. All I can say is THANK YOU for the grace & ease to handle every single one of them! -Clare Angelica

Willie Nelson

“Be gentle with your words – you can’t take them back.” -Willie Nelson It is astounding what we are capable of saying or doing to those we love when we are scared, angry, frustrated, etc… REMEMBER to always be gentle with your words – once they are said, you cannot take them back, they are…
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“It’s amazing what we are capable of when we have to be. It reminds us of what we can do when the pressure is off.” -Clare Angelica


“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life – don’t waste it.” -Unknown Life, everyday, brings with it opportunity…. Opportunity to grow, to learn, to love, to change…. Rise above the needs of yourself and serve others – in allowing them to realize their abilities, you learn your own. Compassion is never wasted.…
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Johnny Depp

Beautiful words to live by…. -Clare Angelica

Will Smith

I absolutely agree!