Tag: Love

Mandy Hale

When a person still points fingers in all directions but at themselves, they learn nothing. They do not grow, they do not change, they do not challenge themselves, and they do not move forward. Being able to look at one’s self and asses one’s values and pitfalls = change, growth, movement, understanding, learning, and strength.…
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Bueller…Ferris Bueller….

Life moves at an alarming pace. Slow down and Enjoy its moments!

Marilyn Monroe

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” -Marilyn Monroe There you have it! Just be yourself…what else truly matters? -Clare Angelica

Mary-Louise Parker

“One person’s crazy is another person’s refreshing.” -Mary-Louise Parker To each his own – judgement is simply a waste of time. -Clare Angelica

Johnny Depp

To Love truly, deeply, completely, and unconditionally – is honestly the greatest gift you can give, and be given. The answer to the question, is the same. -Clare Angelica

Lessons to Learn…

The people who left aren’t worth holding onto – but the people who have stayed through it all, the people who never left are the ones to cherish. Remember the ones who left – remember how they made you feel – learn from the lessons they left you with and be aware as you move…
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Love Is…

Photo by Clare Angelica.


“I deserve a Love, that feels like the Sunrise.” [Clare Angelica] And so do you… Love should make you feel invincible. Like anything you come to face can and will be handled, no problem. Nothing is ever easy, but if its right, even in moments of hardship it is accomplished with ease. Ease of living…
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