Tag: Love

There’s Always Space

There is always room for love…and then more love…and then more…and then more…etc… 🙂 No matter who you are, no matter what is going on in your life, no matter what you think… there is always room for love in your life. Remember that love comes in many shapes and forms and usually shows up…
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Bring It On 2017

Start your New Year off right… BE FEARLESS! There’s no time like the present. And yes, all things take time, but start NOW. Work towards your goal(s) daily. Better yourself daily. Take time to rest and renew yourself daily. Spend time with those you love daily. Be creative daily. Read daily. Disconnect from technology daily.…
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It’s OK, You Can Always Take Another Shot

Nothing in life is permanent. If you make a decision, don’t worry, it can always be changed. Life is energy moving…it is continually in flux. Life is constantly adapting and morphing every minute of everyday. Change. Change is the only constant we have in this life. It’s dependable. Focus – Capture – Develop – Take…
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LOVE Everyday

LOVE is a gift. LOVE is a blessing. LOVE is to be shared. LOVE is respected. LOVE is cherished. LOVE is comforting. LOVE is supportive. LOVE gives strength. LOVE guides you. LOVE protects you. LOVE is unconditional. Share your love willingly. Share your love openly. Share your love regardless of what others think of you.…
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Accept the Challenge

Ya know those walls… the ones you’ve built… break those m*th*r f*ck*rs down. Every limit you have is self inflicted. You get to keep it because you created it. But, because you created it, you have the potential to break it. Your “comfort zone” is safe, its cozy, its predictable, its sedentary, nothing new happens…
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Make A Decision.

When you know what you want / need out of life your path becomes clear. No, it generally doesn’t happen overnight. Your goals take time, commitment, dedication, focus, and patience. You need to work on your goals daily. Show up! Once you make a choice and set yourself on a path know that it doesn’t…
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If You Only Knew…

I’m a writer. Sometimes that’s enough said, but then, occasionally, people want more details… I’ve been really enjoying getting to know other creatives because I find that they carry the same passion that I do for their craft…and that is utterly inspiring to me! They speak with fire about what they love. They can’t envision…
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My Life is like a Dishwasher

My life is like a dishwasher… You can only load it so full before nothing else fits. It holds all the little pieces of my life…both eloquent and terrifying. Close the door and all the indiscretions are hidden inside, but when you open it all the dirty secrets are now on display for everyone to…
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Broken does not mean irreparable. Crazy does not mean never sane. Wild does not mean never tame. Wrong does not mean never right. Everything happens for a reason. The intention of life lessons is to learn from them, grow in knowledge so that you don’t need to repeat them… over and over again… Once you…
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I Am Unstoppable.

My dreams are different than yours. They may take longer or happen overnight. I am persistent. I see them through. I am determined. I see the bigger picture. When we get detoured from our path is when we allow doubt (from inside or outside sources) to cloud our vision. Pull the cobwebs out of your…
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He who is without sin…

Yes, others actions effect us… in many different ways. But, your actions are what are the most important thing in your life. If you want to change the reactions you are getting from the outside, change the inside first. If you want better in your life, you have to be better. What you do is…
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Where are you in line?

People who have a dream and won’t allow anyone to stand in-between them and their goal are leaders. They are innovators. They are the ones who won’t settle for something less. They are the ones who have a goal and once its completed set their aim higher. They don’t play it safe. They don’t abide…
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