Tag: Love

It’s OK to Walk Alone

I am no stranger to being alone (and I actually rather enjoy it). I enjoy solitude over the wrong situations or partners in my life — its not worth the expenditure of energy to me. My time is precious. I fill my days with connections that are meaningful. I fill my days with people that…
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A Book by its Cover

Looks define us in an instant… We are a visual generation living in a virtual world. You can create the way you look to appear anyway you want too. How you look or present yourself to the world is a part of you…but it is not all of you. Looks skim the surface of who…
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Seeking Through the Remains of Shattered Glass

I am stronger than you think. I am wiser than you know. I understand more than you give me credit for. I see the things you don’t want me to see. I love with all my heart (and I’m not scared for it to break.) I am vulnerable. I am fragile. I carry fears and insecurities…just…
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Do YOU Think You Deserve It?

This video is great! Thank you dear friend for sharing it with me 🙂 To me, it doesn’t matter if you are male or female — if you think you don’t deserve something / someone, then you’re right, you don’t. When presented with someone (or a situation / opportunity) out of your comfort zone, someone…
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Forgiveness can be Hard.

Forgiveness is a difficult course to navigate. You can’t “fake it til you make it” when it comes to forgiving actions, words, people… We are our toughest critics. It is admirable to give yourself space and time to allow forgiveness to come to you when it is ready and at that point you will no…
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The above is quoted directly from Regena Thomashauer‘s book Pussy. Regena is the founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts. My dear friend was reading this book and I happened to be sitting across from her, she passed me the book and said, “Read this.” The passage sent goosebumps across my skin. If you are not…
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Empower Others

Remember your job, remember your purpose, remember how easily it comes to you and the feeling of freedom that fills you. Share this with others. Uplift those around you. Help them succeed. Whatever life brings you, remember that the situation is simply reminding you of what you want. Aim higher, reach further. Remind yourself daily — whether…
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Get Out of Your Own Way

What is it that you REALLY want? Do you want a different job? Do you want to move to a new location? Do you want a new / different partner? Do you want to travel? What types of freedom are you really looking for? What is it that you have been scared of doing – but –…
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FREEDOM is the word for me.

The word Freedom has been thrown around a LOT lately with people that I know. Freedom means many things to many people and it all depends on the context to which you speak. Freedom to me is: Unconditional Love for self Unconditional Love for others Happiness Courage Health Wealth Success Independence Abundance in all aspects of life Travel…
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Live By Your Own Rules or Someone Else’s

Life is quiet literally all about showing up — showing up for… what you want, what you deserve, what you need, what you are worthy of…etc. If you don’t show up for the opportunity you are going to miss it. Take action. Be proactive in the course of your life and be brave enough to…
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It All Starts with an Idea

You heard me. If all those people had chosen to “play it safe” we wouldn’t have Apple, Microsoft, video games, Facebook, movies, the multiple apps we all have on our phones, computers, books, Amazon, diversity in our cuisine, higher education programs, Entrepreneurs are even known for taking big risks (its in the definition) …I think…
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Do You Even Know Why?

If you have forgotten why you are fighting, let it go and move on — your purpose has been lost. If you remember why you are fighting and what you are fighting for then continue on. Be brave and stand up for what you believe to be right, what you know is right deep down in…
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