Tag: Love

Dream Big

We forget that our circumstances are (constantly) changing — never the same from one day to the next, SO don’t base your decisions upon them. Daily we are offered possibilities that far out reach our current circumstances — reach for them. You are creating the life you are living everyday in every way — are…
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Technology VS Human

Do you remember …when a conversation used to mean talking in person OR over the telephone with someone? Now its texts and pokes and IMs and snaps and instagrams and tweets and the like… We’ve lost the beauty of language to short-hand, the meanings of our words are mistranslated because we can’t hear the tones of our voices, we can’t see the gestures of our bodies — we have become…
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I thought I knew you, but you are nothing but a ghost — transparent and unreal. I can’t touch you, I can’t feel you, I can’t hear your words… My salvation you are far from, but you condemn me to love you. You said you can’t not be in love with me, that you don’t…
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Nightmares and Daydreams

If everyone stopped what they were doing because of being scared, “nightmares”, and fears …nothing would ever get done! Use your nightmares to your advantage and turn them into a dream you want to have — take control and alter there course to suite you (not the other way around). For me, nightmares are inspiration…
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BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT ~ The Siren’s Sea [v2]: Redemption eBook is Available!!!

Redemption is not easily found, given, or restored. Dorian, Rowan, and Rahn embark upon their next journey with black clouds haunting their horizon. The Sirens of the Sea have discovered that two queens within their realm have long been imprisoned and now it is their task to release them if they ever want to break…
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My Goals, Not Yours

I do what I do for me, not for you.

If You Want It, Go Get It

Fear inhibits us, it controls us, and it limits us. If you want something, what are you waiting for? What is truly (really) holding you back? When you answer these questions you’ll generally find that the answer is YOU. You are what holds you back from getting exactly what you want — you can place…
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Chances are …You’ll Regret It One Way or Another

YES, please take the risk!! What do you get by playing it safe …? …Not a whole lot. You become sedentary, complacent – is that truly how you want to live!? Is that the legacy you want to leave behind? “Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.” If you continually ignore the opportunities arising around you…
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Finding Me

That’s right, you aren’t a priority …I am. We spend so much time looking for “mr. / mrs. right” or the “perfect job” or the “perfect friends” or the “best situations” when we should be finding out who we are, what we want, what we need, what we deserve, and making all of the listed…
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Step Up

Yes, the people around you will reach a point where they will no longer listen to what you have to say — especially if the words coming out of your mouth are nothing but complaints. Work harder, work smarter, work faster, and work with passion. People will stop paying attention to your words, but they…
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