Tag: Love

Brain Cage

WHAT are you thinking about all day long?? FYI – That is the prayer without ceasing that people tend to talk about. Your thoughts are your prayers that you are sending out into the world — Do you like what you are sending? Would you like to receive it back? Every thought you think either…
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Graphic by “BusinessMindSet101”

I Love My Scars

Everyone has a story… Yes, what you are feeling is normal — and No, you are not the first person to feel it. Life can be devastating — You will be broken-hearted, you will be defeated, you will lose, you will feel pain, you will experience trauma, you will feel hate-envy-jealousy-insecurity, you will be confused, you…
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Where Do You Stand With Me?

Knowing where you stand with someone – and where they stand with you – is a vital piece of information that everyone deserves. Are you supportive? — Are you critical? Are you standing between someone and their goals (which that someone could be you standing in your own way)? You could be outwardly supportive, but…
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Flip the Coin

When you’re not sure, flip a coin because while the coin is in the air, you realize which one you’re actually hoping for. That’s right, take it back to the basics. I haven’t implemented this strategy, but I’m going to try it the next time something big comes up — might as well, everything is fated…
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Stop Talking

Nobody cares about what you could have done — They only care about what you have done. It’s time. People stop listening after awhile if all you talk about is what could have been, what you are going to do, or what might be. What matters is your actions, right here and right now. Be…
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Rain, Rain

I love a devastating rain that washes my slate clean. -Clare Angelica

Follow Your F*-ing Heart

The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had. I do NOT want to be one of those people! — And thus far, I’m not. Unfortunately, many people are in the “wishing” category because they listened to the opinions of others when they should have been listening solely to…
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Won’t Come Back From That

This is the decision you don’t come back from. That’s right, make a decision and keep your eyes forward, no looking back. It’s time. We get stuck in the past because we hold onto an idea that no longer exists. Make a decision to move forward and leave the past in the past — don’t allow it…
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That’s Right, Train Them

You train people how to treat you. If you allow people to treat you a certain way, they will continue to do it. Stop accepting poor behavior. — Stop accepting excuses. — Stop compromising your integrity for others. BUT, don’t forget the opposite side of the blade — quit treating others in a way you…
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That’s Right, I Said No

No, you do not deserve what you are not willing to show up for to get. I’ve heard this sooooo many times from sooooo many people — they want the easy ride, they wish they had been born rich, they want everything given to them on a silver platter, and they don’t want work to…
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