Tag: Mind

If You Only Knew…

I’m a writer. Sometimes that’s enough said, but then, occasionally, people want more details… I’ve been really enjoying getting to know other creatives because I find that they carry the same passion that I do for their craft…and that is utterly inspiring to me! They speak with fire about what they love. They can’t envision…
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Brain Cage

WHAT are you thinking about all day long?? FYI – That is the prayer without ceasing that people tend to talk about. Your thoughts are your prayers that you are sending out into the world — Do you like what you are sending? Would you like to receive it back? Every thought you think either…
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George Bernard Shaw

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Bernard Shaw Well said, Mr. Shaw… Your life starts and ends between your ears — every thought you think with any form of consistency is creating your life, the world around you. You are attracting to you what you…
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