Anne Lamott

“Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

-Anne Lamott

That’s right — step away from your computer, your smart phone, your tablet… and recharge your life.

Don’t get me wrong, technology is a brilliant and innovate thing, and in this day and age it is becoming more and more necessary … or so we think.

Do you know what will happen if you walkaway from your technological-communicating device…? That’s correct, the world keeps spinning — it doesn’t end, trust me … I’ve tested it…

Yes, technology may be vital to your job — but for your own sanity and health, put it down and unplug for a few minutes everyday — maybe you’ll even work-up to an hour unplug session!

Trust me, your quality of life will be worth it 🙂

-Clare Angelica


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