Before You Start


Before you start, make sure you are going to finish.

I’ve heard this over and over again… I start all these projects, get half-way through, and stop.


If you are going to start something, finish it — if for no one else than yourself… feel the accomplishment of a project well done.

Whatever you do, do it well.

Take the job you are given and do it the very best you can.

Whether you love, hate, or are some emotion in-between in regards to the job you have… buck up and do it with pride. Have integrity in everything you do. You’ll find that the better you perform, the better jobs come your way.

And, if you really, really don’t like your job… STOP PROCRASTINATING and do something about it!

It’s all about attitude.

If you have all these “art” projects you have started and left unfinished, pick one — see it through to completion. You’ll be surprised with how amazing it feels.

If you are blocked with a certain project, yes, sometimes they need to be canned … OR … looked at from a different perspective.

Sometimes it feels incredible to rip the pieces of a frustrating project into indistinguishable particles and toss it into the trash. BUT, this is also another way of “finishing” a project. You are completing it by decidedly removing it from your life, mind, and space.

So, no matter what “finishing” something looks like to you, do it.

Complete that which you pursue.


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