Category: I Love Quotes!

Audrey Hepburn

“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” -Audrey Hepburn Be pure, be true, be honest, be empathetic, be loving, be compassionate – be yourself, at its highest form. -Clare Angelica

John Wooden

“Don’t mistake activity for achievement.” -John Wooden Some people appear so busy because they are constantly moving, or doing things – but a lot of the time they are simply spinning in circles achieving nothing. Accomplishment is far from these peoples reach. Yes, one needs action to get a job done, but no, it does…
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The Sign Says….

“Do not think less of yourself – Instead, think of yourself less.” -Sign in Colorado Yes, I love where I live – mountains all around! Then, you find the local sign that always has something to say – whether it be funny, endearing, insulting or a quote that will make you think, as I hope…
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Leonardo da Vinci

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci

Wendell Berry

“Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch on fire.” -Wendell Berry

Lewis Carroll

“If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can find fault with, you will not do much.” -Lewis Carroll It’s your life – Make your own decisions – Live for yourself, and not for others – Bend the constraints of society until they break. Tread untraveled ground. -Clare Angelica

Steve Jobs

“Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are.” -Steve Jobs This goes along with – fake it til ya make it – but don’t go overboard…. Sometimes our lives are so out of control, we overcompensate by appearing so in control of every little detail, that the tiniest hair shall…
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As humans, living in an ever-changing world, the best we can do is relax-breathe-be. Relax – you can only control so much of your life, and how much of it is truly under your control??  Let go of the reins (or at least loosen them a bit), and let life develop in its own time…
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St Augustine

People tend to fear the truth – they fear to unleash it, to allow it out of the darkness it hides in, to hear its roar breaking through the sunlight. Truth has the power to destroy – but those who live without terror of the truth’s repercussions, can truly live. Truth holds honesty, safety, and…
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Johnny Depp

To Love truly, deeply, completely, and unconditionally – is honestly the greatest gift you can give, and be given. The answer to the question, is the same. -Clare Angelica

Maya Angelou

Embrace… yourself. Be who YOU are, who YOU want to be, and make decisions for YOU (not others). Be the full extent for YOUR Amazing-ness! -Clare Angelica