

There is opportunity in chaos.

– The Phantom, 1996 movie

I LOVE this small tidbit of knowledge.

Chaos is destruction, it’s crazy and wild, and it makes you feel completely out of control — until you see the silver lining. 

I have had plenty of chaos in my life — romantic relationships, friends drama, my own drama, family upsets…you name it, we’ve all been there.

You feel lost like there’s no end in sight.

BZ phantom 2Now’s the perfect time to find the opportunity. Chaos is designed to catapult change into your life (sometimes when you are most rigid and unforgiving). Life will always find a way to push you out of your comfort zone so that you can grow, so that you can excel, so that you can move forward from where you have been stagnant.

When I am infiltrated with chaos, I take to my notebook and write about it — many a novel, movie, poem, painting…etc…has come from just such change.

Chaos is rebirth — embrace it!

-Clare Angelica


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