Expressing Your Distinctive Self

“What seems different in yourself: that’s the rare thing you possess. The one thing that gives each of us his worth, and that’s just what we try to suppress. And we claim to love life.”

-Andre Gide (from an unknown work)

Again, borrowed from a source I cannot remember, but the article title reflects the chapter of the book from whence it came.

Andre makes an excellent point… The thing that makes you you, the strength you possess that makes you different from everyone else, that individualizes you is more often than not the one thing that we try to ignore.

Imagine if we embraced that facet of ourselves and opened doors we never even knew existed!?

If you aren’t pursing what you love, you aren’t pursing anything of value. You know, even in the deepest darkest places that you have hidden it away in, the traits that you fear to pursue. Why do you fear to pursue them? Because you think, or others have made you believe, that the things you desire to do most are the things you will never find success at.

But those voices couldn’t be more wrong! You will find your best success, greater than you have ever known, by embracing and pursing with fire what you truly love in this life.

Stop pretending… Pick one…Commit… and become who you were meant to be. Be the person you want and need to be.

-Clare Angelica


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