I Am A Writer.

Creative expression through writing runs in my family, it is in my genetic makeup. It is something I could not escape (nor would I want too.)

My grandmother has been a journalist, a newspaper editor, a young-adult writer… And she continues to write short-stories, columns for our local paper, and a book on the history of the old-timers of my home town. She will be 86 this year, and she is still going strong. Her mind remains as sharp as her wit.

My mother is a Literature and English teacher, among the many other courses she teaches in school, those are her primary. She has a way with words. But, when it comes to her passion, she is more of an artist… She is an amazing water colorist, painter, and sketch artist, to name a few. Her skills always astound me!

Writing gives me freedom.

It allows me to release the things that I am unable to in any other way.

Writing gives me freedom.

It allows me to be creative, to push the boundaries of my imagination.

Writing gives me freedom.

It allows the Muses of my consciousness to be free, and fill me with their wisdom.

Writing is a passion.

Writing is an art I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

Creativity is abundant in my family, as I am sure it is in yours. I hope you find your creative passion, your Dharma, your talents, and continue to pursue them for the rest of your life. Better yourself in what you most enjoy!

I write for myself.

But, I hope you enjoy it.

-Clare Angelica


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