I Write Because…

“I write to give the voices in my head something to do.”

-Clare Angelica

Anyone can sympathize with this sentiment… No matter if you are a writer, painter, sculptor, small business owner, CEO, baker, etc…you fill in the blank… You know this feeling!

When I am writing a story it literally takes over my life — my thoughts are completely consumed and the voices of the characters will not be silenced until I have properly written them down and gotten them out of my head.

I haven’t felt totally crazy yet, but, with all good things, just give it time.

I write because to not write is a feeling more painful than death. Not writing means I lose the means of expressing myself in an intimate way, yet a satisfyingly safe way. I write mainly fiction and therefore the scenarios and characters are greatly exaggerated, BUT it does have roots in my life, it has meaning — otherwise it would not have made the cut onto the written page.

Don’t squelch the voices — let them sing.

-Clare Angelica


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