It’s OK to Say It

Sometimes, the best thing you can say is, “Goodbye.”

I have run up against this many times in my life… The instances where you stay too long when you know you shouldn’t, you put up with behavior you know to be unacceptable, and you allow your values to be walked on.

Fear is why we stay… Fear is what keeps us from leaving our comfort zone, even if we know our comfort zone is a trapped place to be.

A comfort zone is not always where you want to be, or where you deserve to be. What do we revert back to after we have been stretched (in any direction, good or bad)Our comfort zone — we return to what is normal, what is known, but what isn’t always what is best.

People and events have come into my life that have stretched me and pushed me to be better, do more, and expand on what I know, or learn something entirely new! I value these moments. I do not want to remain stationary and live life safely, I want to be challenged and pushed to excel — because it is in those moments that you discover who you are.

This is where you need to learn discernment — learn when to walk away from a situation that makes you uncomfortable and learn when to jump into a situation that is going to stretch you (even without a net).

Learn the difference of the feelings within your discomfort levels — what is making you uncomfortable? why? who? etc…

Learn which discomforts you can push past and which ones you can say, “Goodbye” to — and yes, you can say goodbye to yourself and the actions you no longer wish to keep.

What behaviors do you want to keep in your life and which ones do you want to discard — remember to look at your own actions as you ponder this — because in the end, you are always the deciding factor.

Trust yourself and your intuition.

Either way, learn to trust yourself and push past your limitations and you will excel — I have no doubt, and neither should you!

-Clare Angelica


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