Marilyn Monroe

1 (24)Life is full of events – but the ones that stop you dead and make your heart beat fast are the ones worth finding!

When the simplest of kisses can set your world on fire, you know you have found the feeling that is worth exploring. When the butterflies are slamming against the walls of your stomach and fear is telling you to stop, push on. The rewards will be fruitful.

Let your fear motivate you past it into success!

Find the thrills that make life worth living, no matter how large or small they are – what they mean to you is all that counts.

Remember the magic of the first kiss, the first touch, the first success – keep them alive within you everyday, and relive them every chance you get!

Keep moving forward and make new life thrills everyday!

-Clare Angelica


No Responses

  1. mkauthor says:

    This quote reminds me of the painting The Kiss by Klimt. The couple isn’t kissing lips-to-lips, but you still feel the swoon. 🙂 Great post!

  2. mkauthor says:

    This quote reminds me of the painting The Kiss by Klimt. The couple isn’t kissing lips-to-lips, but you still feel the swoon. 🙂 Great post!

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