Paul S McElroy


06 HI KT (15)

The experienced sailor knows that a vessel must head into a storm to avoid shipwreck. He must keep the ship facing into the gale. It takes courage to head seemingly into further trouble, but it is only facing difficulties that they can be conquered. There are some things that cannot be avoided and which, if not resisted, will overcome and overwhelm us. The difficulty with trying to run away from an adversary is that an adversary, like the wind, runs faster, soon catches up and overcomes all in its wake. The wise man never turns his back on trouble, he faces it, and in doing so becomes a victor instead of a victim.

[Quiet Thoughts” by Paul S McElroy]

Life is not all clear skies and blue waters, but when faced head on, you can weather the storm no matter what may come.

This segment by Paul S McElroy grabbed my attention and caught my heart. Those who know me, know that in the base of my soul lies a Pirate Heart, an obsession that spawns from a place even I can’t explain.

Gain liberation, freedom and victory by facing into the gale, riding the storm and coming out the experienced sailor you are destined to be.

Be the victor of your own destiny and embrace life! Learn and enjoy all the bumps along the road, they will lead you to who you are to become. Grow strength from within the eye of the hurricane.

Ahoy, mateys!


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