Crawling Out of the Rabbit Hole

It’s been an eventful last year and a half! 

It started in the fall of 2017 when I purchased my first home (so exciting, check that off the list). The whole process was fairly easy / straightforward, but it also allowed me to reassess my life as to where I was at, where I wanted to be, and what I was doing that would no longer serve me in this new picture. I got new employment as an MA which, unfortunately, had me leaving my mentor who had guided me down my writing journey. I am so grateful for all of his knowledge and continued support!

I truly loved my new job in the medical field, but the hours did not serve my lifestyle well. I had very little time for self-care and to work on the projects that brought me great joy outside of work because, frankly, I was just too exhausted after working 40+ hr weeks. So, in January of 2018, I started a different job that fit my needs at the time much better.

Throughout this journey, I made many new and wonderful friends. One of which introduced me to (what I will affectionately call) my baby daddy. That’s right, we got the surprising news in November of 2018 which has forever changed our lives in incredible ways. We are definitely looking forward to it. But, let me also clarify that this man is not simply the father of our child, he is an amazing man with a wonderful heart and I can’t wait to see the incredible father he will be to our baby.

All of these events have taken balance, time, energy, and created (beautiful) distractions that I would not change for anything in the world. I am truly grateful and feel very blessed.

But, with that said, I feel it is time for me to get back to what I love = writing!

And, bless all of you who read this whole article. I certainly enjoyed writing it and sharing my current journey. 

Here we go (I’m getting back in the game)!

July 2019


One Response

  1. The only way to be a writer is to write! Keep on keeping on.

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