Risk. Care. Dream. Expect.

It’s okay to take Risks (even without a safety-net) — Why? Because if you don’t you could be missing out on the biggest payout of your life (and I don’t just mean financially)!

It’s okay to Care (even if others don’t feel the same) — Why? Because you are showing the world who you are and that you are open to its possibilities (watch as they fall into your lap).

It’s okay to Dream (even if it seems implausible) — Why? Because if you don’t dream bigger than your means how will we ever surpass them (go big or go home — and make them a reality)?

It’s okay to Expect (the unexpected; as well as more out of life) — Why? Because if you don’t how will life know what you are asking for (and what to give you in return)?

Risk. Care. Dream. Expect.

I’m on board. Are you?

-Clare Angelica


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