Rosa Parks

“I have learned that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

-Rosa Parks

No matter what you decide upon, the moment you decide indecision falls away, along with fear, doubt, and worry.

Once you decide upon a path, your energy unites and can be utilized as a source of one instead of a house divided.

Make a decision so that you can move forward mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically — don’t worry, if it isn’t right, you’ll know very quickly AND you will know quicker than if you had spent more time debating making a decision in the first place.

Make a choice, it doesn’t have to be the right one, just chose something so life can fall perfectly into place for you.

-Clare Angelica


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  1. Hi Clare! I was just thinking about you yesterday as I was cooking those black fungus wood ears. I hope you are well, seems pretty adventurous lately from your pictures. I started a blog back in November. Check it out if you get a chance.

    • Hey Amaya! So great to hear from you. Yes, I’ve been going on lots of adventures and am so excited for the next ones. Congrats on your blog, love the posts šŸ™‚ Thank you for thinking of me and sharing the start of your blogging adventure!

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