I am stronger than you think. I am wiser than you know. I understand more than you give me credit for. I see the things you don’t want me to see. I love with all my heart (and I’m not scared for it to break.)
I am vulnerable. I am fragile. I carry fears and insecurities…just like you.
I will not break.
Life challenges me. You challenge me.
You disappear, you reappear.
I am stronger than you think.
Push me down and I will get back up.
I am resilient.
I bend in the wind for it flows through my body as if I were its home.
My life is not yours to treat like a toy discarded and gathering dust.
Do your worst and I will do my best.
I will not shatter like glass into a million pieces for someone else to pick up. I might be scratched, left with scars, but I am whole. I will pick myself up, polish the edges, and sparkle beneath the sun’s embrace.
For I am stronger than glass.