Tag: Author

2021 has begun!

Happy New Year All! As this new year rolls over, I am making goals (not resolutions). I’ll let you know how they go! But, YES, I have written them down. The action of writing things down for me makes them more solid, it allows me to have a tangible item to read, daily, multiple times…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Graduation

It had been two years since I’d last seen her. Two years, but I still remembered everything. I remembered her ripped up jeans with the worn converses pocking out beneath the denim. I remembered the classic band t-shirts she wore. I remembered the smile that tickled my heart and the piercing blue eyes that I…
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Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. -Helen Keller We truly are all in this together. Life has a beautiful way of allowing people to work together who never would have crossed paths otherwise. Our world is coming together to support, respect, and serve one another…
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FREE EBooks Today!

I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and January 1-2.  These books are something that I am very proud of. I truly love the story and strength that arises when you read about the three women at The Siren’s Seas heart. Let the tale take you away!…
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FREE EBooks Today!

I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and January 1-2.  These books are something that I am very proud of. I truly love the story and strength that arises when you read about the three women at The Siren’s Seas heart. Let the tale take you away!…
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FREE EBooks Today!

I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and January 1-2.  These books are something that I am very proud of. I truly love the story and strength that arises when you read about the three women at The Siren’s Seas heart. Let the tale take you away!…
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FREE EBooks Today!

I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and January 1-2.  These books are something that I am very proud of. I truly love the story and strength that arises when you read about the three women at The Siren’s Seas heart. Let the tale take you away!…
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FREE EBooks Today!

I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and January 1-2.  These books are something that I am very proud of. I truly love the story and strength that arises when you read about the three women at The Siren’s Seas heart. Let the tale take you away!…
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Support Local Authors

How to Support Authors Without Spending Any Money: Review the Book on Amazon. Review the book… anywhere. Follow them on Social Media. Post about the book online. Tell a friend (or 20) about the book. Ask your local library to add the book to their collection. Say Hi. Yes, you want to support your friends,…
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The Siren’s Sea Trilogy : FREE!

It’s that time of year… That time when we want to share time with our loved ones, share our accomplishments, our joys, the hardships that made us stronger, the challenges we overcame, and the fun we shared.  And so I want to GIVE you my entire trilogy for FREE: Available December 22nd, December 25th-26th, and…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Sitting by the Campfire

It was high school and one of the best parts of living in our small little mountain town was that we could still get away with slipping higher in elevation, setting up camp, and having a woodsy. Now, I know not everyone is acquainted with the vernacular, so let me explain… It’s a party in…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: At 1st Sight

That first look is something you never forget. That lingering feeling stays with you. The first time I saw him he had his back to me, but it didn’t matter, he was it. It was as if the fog created by the hot springs dissolved everyone else around us as my feet sank deeper into…
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