Tag: Freedom

It Truly is Torture

WE all have one… The box of what-ifs… and buts… and maybes… and I should have said sorry… and I wish I was there… and I miss yous and I should have said I love yous and I’ll get to it laters… and I’m not good enough so I’ll stop halfway through… That box is the holding ground for all of our self-doubts. Well, you know what you should do with that box… TORCH that…
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Get Out of Your Own Way

What is it that you REALLY want? Do you want a different job? Do you want to move to a new location? Do you want a new / different partner? Do you want to travel? What types of freedom are you really looking for? What is it that you have been scared of doing – but –…
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FREEDOM is the word for me.

The word Freedom has been thrown around a LOT lately with people that I know. Freedom means many things to many people and it all depends on the context to which you speak. Freedom to me is: Unconditional Love for self Unconditional Love for others Happiness Courage Health Wealth Success Independence Abundance in all aspects of life Travel…
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The Way You Love Me

It’s the little things… The way you kiss me. The way you touch me. The way you smile at me. The way you think. The actions you take. The way you treat me. The way you show up. The way you embrace me. The way you listen. The path you are on in life. The…
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You Make My Heart Happy.

When you find it, cherish it. Show up. Let it go if it needs to go. Let if stay if it needs to stay. Let go of being covetous. What’s yours will remain, what’s not will disappear. Remember, this is OK. Be Brave and Know you deserve this. Enjoy. Have Fun. Feel the freedom of…
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Do You Want to Live in Chains or Break Them?

Is it really that important?  This is a great question to ask yourself. Is the thing you are worrying about, obsessing over really worth all the time and energy you are giving it? I can ALMOST guarantee that no, it isn’t. Realize what it is that you can and cannot do, what you are capable of and…
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This Is WHY I Write.

This quote from Natalie Goldberg sums up pretty darn well why it is that I write. I mainly write to express the things I have not been willing to speak about for one reason or another — the things I was scared to say, the things I couldn’t say, the things you didn’t get the…
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Don’t Try to Change Me & I Won’t Try to Change You

If you look up the definition of “Untamable” via Google (as I did…) You’ll find this as the first entry: (of an animal) not capable of being domesticated. not capable of being controlled. And then you’ll find this: not capable of being tamed, subdued, or made obedient. Now, I feel that most people (not just…
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In Love There Is Freedom

Don’t waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their needs. Love in spite of yourself. When you can unconditionally love someone else you grant yourselves both …freedom, forgiveness, strength, security, trust… you can move forward without fear. Love gives many things and the best of all is no boundaries.…
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Advice from Jhumpa Lahiri

“Like any artist, any writer, I just want to have that pure freedom of expression and of thought.” -Jhumpa Lahiri, Quoted from “The Week” THIS is exactly why I write!!! I get utter freedom of expression and of thought. When I write, I get to say all the things that I wanted to say, but…
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Get What You Ask For

“If you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them.” -Audle Allison The more you fight for something, the more you get to hold onto it, and the more power it has over your life. The things you hold onto end up overtaking you and you tend to disappear within the fear of each…
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