Tag: Life

Doris Day

“People hear what they see.” -Doris Day Definite food for thought…. What we hear is not always what was actually spoken. What we see is not always what actually happened. When all of our senses combine to form an answer, sometimes it is perfect while other times it is skewed. Hearing and listening are two…
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Ernest Hemingway

“The things of the night cannot be explained in the day.” -Ernest Hemingway And why would one want to try…?

Eudora Welty

“Never think you’ve seen the last of anything.” -Eudora Welty Life changes far to quickly to ever discount something, someone, or anything – you never know when something will come back as swiftly as it went away or when a new adventure will begin pounding on your door. Embrace the ebb and flow of life…
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Paul Theroux

“Travel is equal parts flight and pursuit.” -Paul Theroux I think Paul summed it up quite nicely 🙂 Within each of us is the desire to flee, and explore – sometimes they coincide with one another, while at other times they are defined separately. -Clare Angelica

Marilyn Monroe

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” -Marilyn Monroe There you have it! Just be yourself…what else truly matters? -Clare Angelica

Gary Shteyngart

“Satire always benefits when evil and stupidity collide.” -Gary Shteyngart

Mary-Louise Parker

“One person’s crazy is another person’s refreshing.” -Mary-Louise Parker To each his own – judgement is simply a waste of time. -Clare Angelica

Alain de Botton

“Work finally begins when the fear of doing nothing exceeds the fear of doing it badly.” -Alain de Botton As a writer, I have to say that I love reaching this point – a point where nothing else matters but the creation of art, the development of a story, the journeys of the characters, and…
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Kathleen Norris

“Life is easier to take than you’d think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable.” -Kathleen Norris Sounds tough…but…. When we accept that which we think is impossible, we far surpass its boundaries. When we let go of that which we think is indispensable, we…
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Life is too precious, and enjoyable, to forget its beauty. Remember everyday your gifts, your talents, your blessings, and your triumphs – Remember that you are your own victory, revel in it! Our journey will have many ups and downs – but if you can find the beauty hiding within it all, there is nothing…
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As humans, living in an ever-changing world, the best we can do is relax-breathe-be. Relax – you can only control so much of your life, and how much of it is truly under your control??  Let go of the reins (or at least loosen them a bit), and let life develop in its own time…
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“If you’re always thinking about the next best thing, you’ll miss whats right in front of you… Life’s a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride.” I am positive that not all of those words are mine, but they were said by wise people who knew a thing or two about living. Let go of…
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