Tag: Love

Mahatma Gandhi

In order to give forgiveness we must first to have it bestowed upon us so that we know its true value. Forgiveness is strength, power, compassion, unconditional, and sincere — if you cannot give it with those attributes, you should not give it at all. Forgiveness is worth nothing to those you give it too…
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Mahatma Gandhi

Also Quoted as: “There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for.” -Mahatma Gandhi What an amazing and inspiring man — I can’t believe I haven’t quoted his words of loving kindness before!

Amanda Craig

“People who love reading are often called bookworms — but that’s the wrong way around. It’s not you that worms into a book; it’s books that worm into you.” -Amanda Craig

Bob Shacochis

“I’ve always considered it a type of sin against the vast and wondrous panorama of life to make your world small, shrink-fitted to convenience and immunized against change and unfamiliarity.” -Bob Shacochis

Again, Quoted From the Denver Post…

“It seems that every path we choose means that some other path must be abandoned. You miss out on one kind of experience, but you get to experience another kind. It forced me to focus on the wonderful things I have, and abandon the wasteful energy of looking at what I did not have.” -Quoted…
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A Man From Denver Said…

“Every perceived bad thing that has happened to me has a greater gift attached, if I stay teachable.” -A Man From Denver Said… I quoted the above “Denver Man” from the Denver Post … it is taken out of context, but the meaning is invaluable. The moment we stop learning, we stop growing and changing.…
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Amy Schumer

“The moments that make life worth living are when things are at their worst and you find a way to laugh.” -Amy Schumer

Charles Bukowski

“An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way, an artist says a hard thing in a simple way.” -Charles Bukowski

George Bernard Shaw

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Bernard Shaw Well said, Mr. Shaw… Your life starts and ends between your ears — every thought you think with any form of consistency is creating your life, the world around you. You are attracting to you what you…
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Anne Lamott

“Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” -Anne Lamott That’s right — step away from your computer, your smart phone, your tablet… and recharge your life. Don’t get me wrong, technology is a brilliant and innovate thing, and in this day and age it is becoming more and…
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Van Morrison

“People who say others are difficult — are usually difficult themselves.” -Van Morrison First of all, Van is my man — love his music! Second of all — Yes, the person who gripes and complains all day about everyone else and how nothing is their problem and how everyone is “doing it to them” are…
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Jean-Paul Sartre

“Commitment is an act, not a word.” -Jean-Paul Sartre Saying you are committed (no matter if that’s to a person, a job, a relationship of any kind…etc – you fill in the blank…) is an ACT — it is a daily action that you do by showing whoever or whatever you are committed to by…
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