Tag: Love

Before You Start

Before you start, make sure you are going to finish. I’ve heard this over and over again… I start all these projects, get half-way through, and stop. WHAT!? If you are going to start something, finish it — if for no one else than yourself… feel the accomplishment of a project well done. Whatever you do,…
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We all have them … beasts we are running from… They appear in our dreams, in dark corners waiting to pounce, they live at work, they thrive in our fear, they are lovers, they are friends, they are people we’ve never met, and new acquaintances… Beasts live everywhere. What are you doing to do with…
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What do YOU want to CREATE today?

We are very powerful creators. Did you know that the life you are living right now is all your creation?? You made every decision (and thought every thought) that led you to right here and now, WOW! Are you happy here? If you are running through some things and they aren’t all adding up in your brain, please know that YOU have…
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What are you hiding from?

We all get scared, that’s nothing new. What do you do with your fear? …is the real question. Do you use fear to your advantage and transform it into a feeling that works for you? OR do you run and hide allowing fear to have another victory against you? It’s your choice. How do you want…
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We have all been there…the breaking point… The point of no return. The last step before the one you won’t come back from. What do you do!? There is always a choice… You have a choice to walk away. You have a choice to stand your ground. You have the choice to throw the first punch or…
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Why would you even ask?

When I get into the flow time passes faster, my mind jumps from place to place, and my fingers fumble to keep up. I love writing! I love being able to let my imagination fly. I’ve had many people ask me what my writing process is… I don’t really have one. NO, I don’t plot out every…
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Ask Questions

Ask QUESTIONS rather than make statements. What are you getting out of this? What are the qualities you like about this situation? — What are the qualities you don’t like? What is this costing you… time? health? sleep? happiness? Is this worth it? How is this serving me? — How am I serving others? How…
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If it was your sister instead, what would you tell her?

I’ve often wanted to ask men… If the tables were turned and your sister was being treated the way you treated the last girl you dated, what would you tell her? The boys I’ve heard of recently (“boys” because their actions are far from “man-ly”) are very close with their sisters (or so they appear to…
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Be Brave

You aren’t who you are without the trials and triumphs you have gone through. Loss, no matter what the facts entail, allows you stand in your power. It allows you to cut through the b.s. and show up. You are enabled to serve others as well as yourself. You are able to be brave for…
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Who Do You Want To Be Right Now?

There’s no time like the present. Allow yourself to be free from past relationships and traumas. Do not give into the scars and allow your present to be dictated by your past. Move forward. Grow strength from your weaknesses and enjoy the new. You are braver than you think. You are stronger than you realize.…
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Hit Your Target Every Time

The moment we lose sight of our goals is when we start to flounder and doubt ourselves, our path. Let it go. Remember the feeling of life rushing through your veins when you feel the energy of what brings you joy. Recall the elation of taking steps forward towards what you most desire. That is…
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