Tag: Love

Fear the Warrior Without a Master for They Have Nothing to Lose

You can judge my story, you can judge where I’ve been and where I’m going, but ya know what …I don’t care. My journey is my own. It has nothing to do with you. Help me, keep your thoughts to yourself, or get out of my way because I’m not stopping. I will encourage you, support…
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In Love There Is Freedom

Don’t waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their needs. Love in spite of yourself. When you can unconditionally love someone else you grant yourselves both …freedom, forgiveness, strength, security, trust… you can move forward without fear. Love gives many things and the best of all is no boundaries.…
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Why Do We Hurt Those We Love?

This is about relationships … Read it with an open heart & mind ..and maybe it can help you stop some destructive behavior you might have because no one deserves such petty actions …including yourself. Anything that is done with intention – be it thoughts, actions, words, etc… – reaches those for which they are aimed.…
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I’m not that girl …but sometimes I want to be. We aren’t in the same place we used to be — we used to stand beside each other, but now we stand apart. Sometimes I want to be that girl…  I miss you, but that’s not something I can tell you anymore. I’ve lost my…
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All Day, Every Day

Discover your passion — Make it your reality — Let it work for you.

I Am Better.

I believe it is a universal fact that when you let go of what no longer serves you and you begin to change and grow within yourself that you allow for bigger and better things to enter your life — and they walk in with grace and ease (not turmoil). In order to receive better…
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Just Because You Can’t See It Doesn’t Mean Its Not There

Yes, you are going to have to dream bigger, act tougher, and be better …than yourself. You are your only competition BECAUSE no one else can see your goals BUT you. You will have to work smarter, be braver, and take risks in order to succeed. You will need to ignore anyone and everyone who…
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In What Direction Are You Looking?

Are you living in the past …rehashing every wound that has EVER been inflicted upon you leaving it gaping and raw? Are you living in the middle …trying to forget, but still remembering the pain? Are you living in the present …looking forward into the future because you know your past will not define you?…
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What Are You Scared of Today

When we finally take those first steps past fear we realize there is truly nothing to be afraid of. Use your fears to your advantage. Take that which you fear and do it! Beat it! Fear is an alarm system — it tells you when danger is near, it signals you when something isn’t right, and it also…
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Kingsley Amis

Remember, I do what I love because of me …not you, but I can (almost) guarantee that it is going to piss you off. I am a writer — I write what I know, I write what I feel, I write what I see, I write what I imagine, I write what I dream about,…
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