Tag: opportunity

Second Guessing Gets You No Where

Yes, you can spend your time imagining how great something can be …but you are missing out on the potential it has to be better than you could ever think it could be …because you aren’t taking action to find out. There is safety in illusion, but there is no reality. Life is about living.…
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Chances are …You’ll Regret It One Way or Another

YES, please take the risk!! What do you get by playing it safe …? …Not a whole lot. You become sedentary, complacent – is that truly how you want to live!? Is that the legacy you want to leave behind? “Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.” If you continually ignore the opportunities arising around you…
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There is opportunity in chaos. – The Phantom, 1996 movie I LOVE this small tidbit of knowledge. Chaos is destruction, it’s crazy and wild, and it makes you feel completely out of control — until you see the silver lining.  I have had plenty of chaos in my life — romantic relationships, friends drama, my own drama,…
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Clare Angelica

“When life gives you a second chance, you don’t hesitate, you take it.” -Clare Angelica Life is about circumstance and opportunity. There is a higher part of your being that wants you to have exactly what you ask it for… Make sure you are asking for what you really need — and be careful of…
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Milton Berle

Why wait… It’s your life, get out and create the circumstances for opportunity — they won’t always be handed to you. Be your own opportunity. -Clare Angelica