2021 has begun!

Happy New Year All!

As this new year rolls over, I am making goals (not resolutions). I’ll let you know how they go!

But, YES, I have written them down. The action of writing things down for me makes them more solid, it allows me to have a tangible item to read, daily, multiple times to remind myself of what I want to do for myself and for others. 

2021 shouldn’t be as big a shock as 2020 because we are going into this New Year with more knowledge of what’s happened and (potentially) what’s to come. Let’s take our knowledge and remember to be gentler, kinder, more loving, patient, and proactive within our own lives so that we can spread our vibrant energy to others. 

Serve. Learn. Grow. Adapt. Change. Be open, understanding, and aware of our own actions and roles that we play so that we can shift what no longer serves us and be ready and accepting of the unlimited possibilities that await us.

Bring on the New Year!


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