
Although the world is full of suffering,

it is full also of the overcoming of it.

-Helen Keller

We truly are all in this together. Life has a beautiful way of allowing people to work together who never would have crossed paths otherwise. Our world is coming together to support, respect, and serve one another in the best ways we know how…

That could simply be staying home. It could mean suiting up and healing your fellow man as best you can. The medical field is working overtime not only for those afflicted with our current pandemic, but those who are in need of specialized care, the babies being born, the patients needing surgery, the people who need care in other ways. The grocery and food-service workers who are doing their best to keep us fed and full. 

Remember to work with your fellow (wo)man, to support, respect, cherish, and serve them to the best of your abilities. 

We are all in this together. Every person you meet has demons you know nothing about, make theirs, and your journey kinder. 

Everyone is stressed, overwhelmed, has anxiety, feels insecure, has fear, and doesn’t know what is going to happen next, we are not alone in our emotions, but this too shall pass.

We will figure out a new normal. A way of life that benefits us all, but, yes, it will take time, diligence, understanding, cooperation, and kindness.

Be Present. Enjoy the Little Things (yes, I quoted Rule #11 from Zombie Land). Enjoy the time you have been given and allow for fluidity and change.

Thanks for stopping in!


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