Short-Stories Idea

YIKES, Short-Stories…

Here’s the background: I have a story that has been itching to be told. I began writing it last year and simply fell flat on it. The enthusiasm was gone… SO, instead of trashing the story, I started thinking of it in a different way.

What if I turned the chapters into vignettes that build upon each other or simply stand alone, just as a short-story does?

What if I take all the accumulated material and compact it down to the bones?

How about I publish it for free on my website instead of worrying about compiling it into a book?

These new thought patterns got me so excited to (re)start this project that I think it is the perfect thing to get me back into a routine with my writing and share the raw, unfiltered mess with you 🙂

The scary part (and also the best part) is that short stories have never really been my thing. I’ve always gone for the details that go into an entire book over scrimping it down to the minimum = so this is going to be (challenging) fun!

What are your thoughts on short-stories? ANY advice?



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