Tag: Relationships

Evangeline and Gabriel: The Wedding

It had been almost a year to the day since I’d heard from him. Our relationship was long and complicated… It was filled with unkept promises and long nights of waiting for the phone to ring, but, every time it did, my heart leaped out of my chest, and butterflies filled my stomach. Every time…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: At 1st Sight

That first look is something you never forget. That lingering feeling stays with you. The first time I saw him he had his back to me, but it didn’t matter, he was it. It was as if the fog created by the hot springs dissolved everyone else around us as my feet sank deeper into…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Introduction

There is no greater sadness than holding onto the words you never had the courage to speak.

Crawling Out of the Rabbit Hole

It’s been an eventful last year and a half!  It started in the fall of 2017 when I purchased my first home (so exciting, check that off the list). The whole process was fairly easy / straightforward, but it also allowed me to reassess my life as to where I was at, where I wanted…
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Silence Can Be a Great Ally

The old saying goes… Eloquent words aren’t true. True words aren’t eloquent. When you don’t know the right thing to say, are incredibly flustered (or angry), and nothing comes to mind but words that are sharp as knives… Choose to say nothing at all… Answer them with silence. People may think you don’t care, but really you…
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If You Only Knew…

I’m a writer. Sometimes that’s enough said, but then, occasionally, people want more details… I’ve been really enjoying getting to know other creatives because I find that they carry the same passion that I do for their craft…and that is utterly inspiring to me! They speak with fire about what they love. They can’t envision…
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If it was your sister instead, what would you tell her?

I’ve often wanted to ask men… If the tables were turned and your sister was being treated the way you treated the last girl you dated, what would you tell her? The boys I’ve heard of recently (“boys” because their actions are far from “man-ly”) are very close with their sisters (or so they appear to…
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You Only Need One

I love everything about this graphic from Instagram @SoulBraille — I love the pic of the couple and I love the meaning of the quote. You only need one person that let’s you be you. Don’t waste your time on the ones who don’t understand your value because they might not understand their own. Find someone who…
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Second Guessing Gets You No Where

Yes, you can spend your time imagining how great something can be …but you are missing out on the potential it has to be better than you could ever think it could be …because you aren’t taking action to find out. There is safety in illusion, but there is no reality. Life is about living.…
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In Love There Is Freedom

Don’t waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their needs. Love in spite of yourself. When you can unconditionally love someone else you grant yourselves both …freedom, forgiveness, strength, security, trust… you can move forward without fear. Love gives many things and the best of all is no boundaries.…
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Why Do We Hurt Those We Love?

This is about relationships … Read it with an open heart & mind ..and maybe it can help you stop some destructive behavior you might have because no one deserves such petty actions …including yourself. Anything that is done with intention – be it thoughts, actions, words, etc… – reaches those for which they are aimed.…
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I’m not that girl …but sometimes I want to be. We aren’t in the same place we used to be — we used to stand beside each other, but now we stand apart. Sometimes I want to be that girl…  I miss you, but that’s not something I can tell you anymore. I’ve lost my…
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