Tag: Love

2021 has begun!

Happy New Year All! As this new year rolls over, I am making goals (not resolutions). I’ll let you know how they go! But, YES, I have written them down. The action of writing things down for me makes them more solid, it allows me to have a tangible item to read, daily, multiple times…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: The Wedding

It had been almost a year to the day since I’d heard from him. Our relationship was long and complicated… It was filled with unkept promises and long nights of waiting for the phone to ring, but, every time it did, my heart leaped out of my chest, and butterflies filled my stomach. Every time…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Graduation

It had been two years since I’d last seen her. Two years, but I still remembered everything. I remembered her ripped up jeans with the worn converses pocking out beneath the denim. I remembered the classic band t-shirts she wore. I remembered the smile that tickled my heart and the piercing blue eyes that I…
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Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. -Helen Keller We truly are all in this together. Life has a beautiful way of allowing people to work together who never would have crossed paths otherwise. Our world is coming together to support, respect, and serve one another…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Sitting by the Campfire

It was high school and one of the best parts of living in our small little mountain town was that we could still get away with slipping higher in elevation, setting up camp, and having a woodsy. Now, I know not everyone is acquainted with the vernacular, so let me explain… It’s a party in…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: At 1st Sight

That first look is something you never forget. That lingering feeling stays with you. The first time I saw him he had his back to me, but it didn’t matter, he was it. It was as if the fog created by the hot springs dissolved everyone else around us as my feet sank deeper into…
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Evangeline and Gabriel: Introduction

There is no greater sadness than holding onto the words you never had the courage to speak.

Short-Stories Idea

YIKES, Short-Stories… Here’s the background: I have a story that has been itching to be told. I began writing it last year and simply fell flat on it. The enthusiasm was gone… SO, instead of trashing the story, I started thinking of it in a different way. What if I turned the chapters into vignettes…
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2019 is shaping up to be a BIG year! I don’t know about you, but as 2018 wound down and 2019 revved up, I felt a definite shift. So far this year has been jam-packed with incredible activities and opportunities.  The Milestones that will be accomplished are: Turning 30 (wow, how time flies!) Started a…
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Crawling Out of the Rabbit Hole

It’s been an eventful last year and a half!  It started in the fall of 2017 when I purchased my first home (so exciting, check that off the list). The whole process was fairly easy / straightforward, but it also allowed me to reassess my life as to where I was at, where I wanted…
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Start Betting on the Right People

You take risks, you jump at unforeseen obstacles, and you spend hours a day …working on a task for someone else… YOU are your best investment. You are the only constant in your life, utilize that gift. Yes, invest time, money, love, etc… in others, but do not deny yourself the gratification you allow others…
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It Truly is Torture

WE all have one… The box of what-ifs… and buts… and maybes… and I should have said sorry… and I wish I was there… and I miss yous and I should have said I love yous and I’ll get to it laters… and I’m not good enough so I’ll stop halfway through… That box is the holding ground for all of our self-doubts. Well, you know what you should do with that box… TORCH that…
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